Genropy - a framework for creating complex applications deployed on the web

Mr. Jeff B Edwards (Goodsoftware) bio
30min ◊◊ Intermediate
Sunday 10:35am, Tuscan Room
categories: application development, databases, gui, web

Genropy is the python implementation of Genro, and is an application framework quite different from the standard (django, cherrypy, turbogears), for building powerful database applications deployed from the browser. Many differences and advantages between this framework and traditional python application frameworks are explained. Genropy is a suitable for creating complex 'applications' as opposed to 'sites'. The differentiation is that an application is something an operator uses all day, has trained users, that have to 'squeeze' all the power from it available. Conversely, a 'site' is basically public and not necessarily powerful as a user spends a relatively small amount of time on it. Genropy is the framework for creation applications. It is used for attendee registration and sales in pycon italy, the larger national conference in Europe (Florence, Italy).
This session will demonstrate how to create a simple application (3 tables) and demonstrate the ease and power of using python for the model view and controller on the client. It demonstrates how one api- being the genro Bag - is used to create the model, to map the sql to objects, to create the GUI and communicate all data. So all of it can be done in python instead of having to use many different technologies and languages.
Jeff Edwards from Goodsoftware is strategic partner of Sofwell who is the author of Genropy.

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